5 Best Alopecia Areata Natural Treatment Options That Work

Although there is only one treatment for alopecia areata approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration , various prescription medications have been scientifically shown to help regrow hair. Other medical treatments for alopecia areata include the use of immunomodulators like JAK, Xeljanz, Jakafi, etc. In addition to the above-mentioned ones, there are a host of various other home remedies that you can try to treat alopecia areata. Reducing your stress level is one of those key remedies. So, keeping your stress under control through meditation, yoga and other means can be an effective measure to combat alopecia areata.

Make fresh coconut milk at home by adding sugarless, grated coconut to a pan of boiling water. Telogen Effluvium – This form of hair loss is brought about by shifts in the hair growth cycle. These shifts cause hairs to be shed at an increased rate.

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It works by encouraging blood flow to hair follicles, stimulating dormant follicles, and aiding hair growth. Typically, topical minoxidil solutions come in strengths of 2 or 5 percent. You apply the treatment directly to the scalp, or any area it’s required, once or twice per day. Topical immunotherapy involves applying chemicals directly to the scalp to cause an allergic reaction. In turn, this stimulates the immune system and aids hair growth.

Raw onions are nature’s gift to a host of medical conditions, mainly because they are rich in antimicrobial properties that help keep infections at bay. This combination of healing factors makes raw onions a reliable home remedy. To maximize the healing benefits of onion, it is important to prepare the juice as indicated in the directions below. Alopecia areata Or AA is also known by other names such as spot baldness. This is a condition where hair is lost from all areas or some parts of the body, mainly from the scalp as the body fails to recognize own body cells. The other major impact is destroying of its cell tissues as if it were a harmful pathogen.

Coconut and Hibiscus Oil Therapy

“Getting treatment for hair loss in its early stages can help minimize overall hair loss and increase treatment efficacy,” says Green. Like topical and oral versions, injectable corticosteroids or cortisone may be used to help stop the immune-mediated attacks on the follicles. These may be used in the scalp, as well as other areas of the body. For the best results, you may need to repeat your treatment every four to eight weeks, or as recommended by your dermatologist. It’s important that you reduce stress as much as possible in order to get well.

alopecia areata treatment home remedy

Oral corticosteroids, like prednisone, are sometimes prescribed for a short period of time for patients with extensive and/or rapid hair loss. This office-based procedure is used to treat patients with patchy, relatively stable hair loss. It is not for patients with extensive hair loss, like someone who is mostly bald. In June 2022, the FDA approved Olumiant for the treatment of adults with severe alopecia areata.

Best Alopecia Areata Natural Treatment Options That Work

Hormone antecedents which stimulate hair growth are found in fenugreek seeds. Those antecedents help to produce the hormones necessary to rebuild hair follicles as well. Aromatherapy is a safe and effective alopecia natural treatment. Treatment with essential oils significantly improves hair growth and rejuvenates the scalp.

alopecia areata treatment home remedy

And, connect with other people who are also dealing with this skin condition. Furthermore, research shows that stressful events occur before the onset of alopecia areata in about 10 percent of adults and 10–80 percent of children with the disease. If you're experiencing hair loss, know you have plenty of options for treatment, from topical solutions to laser therapy. However, there are several treatment options that might slow down hair loss or even help your hair grow back faster.

Conventional Treatment

It'll take at least six months of treatment to prevent further hair loss and to start hair regrowth. It may take a few more months to tell whether the treatment is working for you. If it is helping, you'll need to continue using the medicine indefinitely to retain the benefits.

alopecia areata treatment home remedy

Similarly, adopting a healthier diet and lifestyle can be just as helpful. What you eat or your daily nutrition intake can play a vital role in managing alopecia areata. So, go through your diet, audit it, and make the necessary changes. Add to it nutritious fruits and vegetables, protein-rich foods, fish, nuts, and other healthier alternatives. This remedy can be used every alternate day to prevent hair fall. While massaging the hair, make sure that you do it gently so as to avoid stretching and breaking the hair.


Surgical procedures to treat baldness are not usually covered by insurance. Rare side effects of finasteride include diminished sex drive and sexual function and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Women who are or may be pregnant need to avoid touching crushed or broken tablets. Mash them in the morning and apply on the affected areas for sixty minutes.

Using almond oil frequently will reduce dandruff and split ends and might consequently stop hair fall in alopecia areata. A synthesis of dihydrotestosterone is one of the causes of hair loss. Fenugreek is a strong blocker of this synthesis, and thus encourages hair growth. This home remedy is especially effective in those suffering from androgenetic alopecia.

Aloe Vera:

For a few seconds, warm a cup of apple cider vinegar in the microwave. After checking that it’s not scalding hot, it should then be poured and massaged on the scalp. Apple cider vinegar should be allowed to stay in place for about an hour before rinsing off with water to give it plenty of time to promote hair growth. The application of onion juice on affected areas of the scalp is an effective way to encourage the growth of hair. It does so by boosting circulation, thereby causing the hair follicles to be supplied with more oxygen and nutrients. The relative lack of improvement in hair growth in the control group suggests that simply massaging the scalp is not useful for treating alopecia areata.


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